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Our Mission
The McCollum Foundation’s mission is to discover and implement positive, workable, and sustainable strategies that create local and global change and peace in all areas of life. We work with both world leaders and those whose voices have not yet been heard to create more equitable living conditions for all. Our present focus is working alongside the Indigenous Peoples… Read more
World Peace Violin

The World Peace Violin serves as a powerful metaphor for both the beauty and diversity of our planet and for the successful integration of its religions, cultures, and people. It is bringing peace to the world through concerts and sharing of the story that surrounds it. Read more

Join Us!

Learn how you can get involved in this movement to inspire peace through this connecting meta-narrative. Become part of a great community of like-minded, heart-centered global changemakers. Stay connected! Donate! Take action to co-create a world that works for all of us. Be the change!
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Peace IS Possible

Our actions as individuals are motivated by our understanding of ourselves and the world in which we co-habitate. As we open our eyes to understanding the context of our lives, we step in to the extraordinary experience of ourselves as inherently precious and essentially valuable to the whole. May Peace Prevail on Earth.

Founder and President: H.E. Rev. Patrick McCollum

What other people saying about us

“Patrick travels the world working for peace - he has surely been sent to help us heal the wounds we have inflicted on each other and on the natural world before it is too late.  Patrick is one of the foremost peacemakers of our time!"

“Patrick McCollum continues to do the most impactful work for peace around the world. I am proud and honored to be his friend. He inspires me on a regular basis.”
“Patrick McCollum is an emissary from heaven sent to help us pioneer the new reality of life o Earth, as we must become conscious co-creators now, as we face devolution or more conscious evolution.  His life is a teaching we need.”

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