Tomorrow May 10th is 50/50 day!
50/50 day is a day when women around the world will join together to promote a new narrative which shares the contributions that women have made to our world over time which are often quashed or not promoted in the mainstream. The idea is to promote equality between men and women in leadership and all other roles, and to begin to showcase women leaders and what they are doing.

Did you know that 50 of the world’s leaders are now women? Women Presidents and Prime Ministers. Do you know that a number of the foremost CEO’s are women?
These are stories that are not promoted, either through the media or even to our own children as we raise them. This needs to change, and now is as good of a time as any!
I am a big supporter of this project and for advancing gender equality worldwide, and I will be speaking in support of it on MomTalk TV with Dr. Nelly Zahiri Farnoody this morning around 10:20 AM Pacific Time. The show will be recorded and available for future viewing.

The larger conversation today and tomorrow is based on the short documentary film 50/50 seen at:
Let’s support a new narrative which shares the full truth of women’s roles in society and which breaks down the age old false narratives promoted by patriarchy.

May gender equality become a reality in my lifetime!
Patrick McCollum