Posts filed under: Spirituality


Greetings from Florence, Italy. Much has happened since my last entry. As I said before, a number of the foremost thinkers and leaders in religion & spirituality and the world......
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One component of my journey is to travel to various parts of the country to become familiar with both the people and the land they live in so that I......
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Today we got up early to hold a special ceremony to connect the visiting spiritual elders. We agreed that Chief Dominique would perform a pipe ceremony and create sacred space.......
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Today I arose at 4:00 AM, to pack and leave for the Thai mountain jungle. I will be meditating there for four days at a retreat in the famed, Khow......
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Today has been an unbelievable experience for me, both as a representative for my community, but also for myself spiritually. There is no possible way to share much of what......
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I arrived in Bangkok shortly after midnight, after a 22-hour flight, with a short stopover in Hong Kong. I was met by an entourage of lovely Thai people, including, Nene,......
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I awoke this morning to exactly 3:33 AM. There was no alarm, and no particular pre-determined reason to awake at this time, but I came to a fully conscious state,......
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