Posts tagged with: ganges


February 8, 2013 Kumbh Mela Allahabad, India I haven’t written for several days now, primarily because of the sheer level of participation in many auspicious events. There have been too......
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My blog today will be based on the talk that Sadhvi Sarawati gave to the Divine Shakti Festival group, who are sharing wonderful yoga classes here at Kumbha Mela. I......
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My blog today will be based on the talk that Sadhvi Sarawati gave to the Divine Shakti Festival group, who are sharing wonderful yoga classes here at Kumbha Mela. I......
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January 25th 2013 Kumbh Mela Allahabad, India Yesterday, we invited a group of young untouchable fisherman’s daughters to our camp to be honored as Goddesses in front of press and......
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January 26th 2013 Kumbh Mela Allahabad, India Today started again early with heavy fog and a deep penetrating cold. I didn’t have the energy to go down to the river......
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January 20th 2013 Kumbh Mela Allahabad, India Today began at 4:00 AM as I was called by the power of the river. It’s hard to describe my overall experience here......
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January 23rd 2013 Kumbh Mela Allahabad, India I write this morning from my bed as I struggle to rejoin the event. The last two days have been a fog of......
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Hi All. Today I led a march of 5,000 school children along the banks of the Ganges to both clean up the sacred river, but also to call for world......
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