Posts tagged with: spirituality


July 21, 2011 The Sadeen Hotel: As usual as with all of my peacemaking efforts in the past, I have made an effort to venture out into the public before......
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July 20, 2011 I left San Francisco yesterday on Air France, to speak at the first International Conference on Transforming Conflict. The meetings are aimed at shifting Middle Eastern youth......
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One of the projects we’re working on in Nepal, is to give support and training to the teachers here to help them to be more successful. Teachers here have many......
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In writing this entry I am reminded that each step of my journey has literally served as a primer for the next. First the marvel of Kathmandu with it’s mix......
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I awoke this morning at 4:00 AM and hit the streets by 5:00. I wanted to see what life is like in Kathmandu for ordinary people. One of the first......
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Well, the adventure begins. I’m sitting in San Francisco airport waiting for my first flight. I’m on my way first to Seoul Korea, and then on to Kathmandu, Nepal. Its......
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One component of my journey is to travel to various parts of the country to become familiar with both the people and the land they live in so that I......
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I arrived in Kathmandu after a long and exhausting series of flights which took a little over 24 hours. I flew first to from San Francisco to Los Angeles, where......
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My trip to Thailand and the Island of Java at the invitation of the Dhammakaya Buddhists was very successful. I believe it has opened new doors for us and will......
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Return from Khou Yi: I returned from Khou Yi back to the Dammakaya temple. One of our hosts arranged a wonderful dinner cruise down the river, through the city of......
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